Find the River

March 28, 2016

FindtheRiver-coverBy Laura Kelly Campbell

Tasked with sorting through her great-grandmother’s research into family history, 19-year-old Linn reads a will from 1762 that starts her wondering about how her ancestors and their lives. Home from her freshman year at a prestigious college, she tries to cope with a near-rape she fended off, and with decisions about her future. She considers the darker parts of her family story and imagines a past as conflicted as her own life. Alongside Linn’s coming of age, Find the River follows Philip Alston and connected families through the American Revolution and beyond. Laura Kelly Campbell excavated her family history and here weaves a compelling story across the generations from the fragments of the tales which remain.

Retail Price: $13.99
Paperback: 252 pages
ISBN-10: 0988304449
ISBN-13: 978-0988304444
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches

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About the Author

A retired teacher, Laura is a voracious reader who enjoys sleuthing in historic records to fill out what can be known about her ancestors. In this her first novel, Laura draws on both interests to create a riveting story.

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